
Maryland County Residential Rental License Requirements | TPF.legal

Fun fact, prior to writing this post I believed that most Counties in Maryland require landlords to have a residential rental license to rent to tenants. Turns out most of them don’t! I just happen to practice in jurisdictions where they’re almost always required. And even in those jurisdictions, there are limited circumstances in where a landlord is not required to have a license. It’s always a good idea to know the licensing requirements of your jurisdiction because landlords who unintentionally violate them may be subject to civil or criminal penalties.

Maryland Rental Rental License Information & Requirements

The table below links to where you can find your counties rental licensing information when applicable and the circumstances in which a license is required. Licensing requirements are always subject to change so this guide needs to be constantly updated. Always double-check your county information before relying on this guide and please let us know if the registration requirements have changed.

Maryland County Rental License Required?
Alleghany County Residential Rental Licensing Yes
Anne Arundel County Yes, Multiple Dwelling Houses & Rooming Houses
Baltimore County Rental Housing Registration Yes
Baltimore City Property Registration & Licensing Yes
Calvert County No
Carroll County Yes, in Westminster
Cecil County No
Charles County No
Dorchester County Yes
Frederick County Yes, for the City of Frederick
Garrett County Only For Short Term Vacation Rentals
Harford County No
Howard County Yes
Kent County No
Montgomery County Residential Rental License Info. Yes
Prince George’s County Residential Rental License Info. Yes
Queen Anne’s County No
Saint Mary’s County No
Somerset County No
Talbot County Licenses required for short term rentals
Washington County License Required in Hagerstown
Wicomico County No
Worcester County No

Maryland County Residential Rental License & Registration Requirements

And there you have it! Be sure to check to see if residential rental license before you start renting. Also, if you live in a jurisdiction that requires one, chances are you’re in a jurisdiction where I practice. So if you need help filing a failure to pay rent claim do not hesitate to contact The Pendergraft Firm.

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